

Would You Buy a Haunted House?

Spooky houses look like they haven’t seen a living occupant, gardener or handyman in years. Many so-called haunted houses are so dilapidated they look occupied by ghosts, or they’ve been on the market so long, buyers suspect there’s a skeleton hidden in the closet. But that house for sale that gives you the creeps may … Continue reading Would You Buy a Haunted House?

Wish List . . .

Wish List:  I want a wonderful cozy Getaway, And I want to be Close to the Beach, Beautiful Views of Trees and Greenery, and maybe even a Lake.  I want someone else to cut my lawn, I want to walk to restaurants and shopping, I want a Pool, and I want a Bike Trail close … Continue reading Wish List . . .

What is a Quit Claim Deed?

What Is a Quitclaim Deed? In a typical real estate transaction, a warranty deed is used to transfer ownership. That means that the person selling the property owns it and has a right to sell it and that no third party has a lien against the property. A title search is conducted, and title insurance … Continue reading What is a Quit Claim Deed?

Real Estate Investing

How to Get Started in Real Estate Investing Whether you’re looking to go all-in and become a landlord or dabble from a distance through a REIT, real estate investing offers many advantages over stocks and bonds, such as only having to pay a portion of the investment up front in the form of the down … Continue reading Real Estate Investing

Actually “Live” at the Beach and Save Money???

Click here for details on the homes pictured above . . . If you’ve not explored the Beach areas of Southern Delaware then You are Truly Missing Out . . . Sussex County and its’ coastal towns of Lewes, Rehoboth Beach, Dewey, Bethany Beach and Fenwick Island have been recognized so often earning awards such … Continue reading Actually “Live” at the Beach and Save Money???

Real Estate Market Watch – August 2019

REAL ESTATE MARKET WATCH – AUGUST 2019 The statistics referenced here and in the attached newsletter are based on single family homes derived from the Bright Multiple Listing Service. Active Listings/Current Inventory As of the end of August, there were a total of 1,945 homes on the market, a decrease of 1%  from the previous … Continue reading Real Estate Market Watch – August 2019

August Mortgage Rate Update

August Real Estate Roundup Freddie Mac’s results of its Primary Mortgage Market Survey® shows that “The drop in mortgage rates continues to stimulate the real estate market and the economy. Home purchase demand is up five percent from a year ago and has noticeably strengthened since the early summer months, while refinances surged to their highest … Continue reading August Mortgage Rate Update

Portable Gardens for Curb Appeal

Portable Gardens for Curb Appeal To make your home more attractive to home buyers, you could plant fresh flowers or you could put plants in containers and take your garden with you when you sell your home! Containers can accent your home’s personality – like washtubs for a farmhouse look or colorful fired pottery for … Continue reading Portable Gardens for Curb Appeal

5 Ways to Boost Your Home’s Curb Appeal

5 Ways to Boost Your Home’s Curb Appeal Before listing your home, improving curb appeal is a top priority. Luxury homebuyers want a turnkey residence that requires zero work before they move in and if your house is looking a little worse for wear from the street, they could be turned off before even stepping … Continue reading 5 Ways to Boost Your Home’s Curb Appeal

How Important is Square Footage

How Important Is Square Footage? Buyers tend to think bigger is better, but a smaller home may actually feel more spacious than a similar home with a larger footprint. That’s what makes the emphasis on size over livability so frustrating – it’s not really an accurate gauge for living space. Living space is roofed, enclosed, … Continue reading How Important is Square Footage

Current Real Estate Market Conditions – July 2019

The statistics referenced here and in the attached chart are based on single family homes derived from the Bright Multiple Listing Service. Active Listings/Current Inventory As of the end of July, there were a total of 1,966 homes on the market, a decrease of 5%  from the previous month’s end inventory of 2,060.  This represents … Continue reading Current Real Estate Market Conditions – July 2019

What to Do If Your Yard Floods When It Rains

  If rainwater collects in your yard, you can wind up with large pools that can damage the landscaping and flood your basement. If your yard has repeatedly flooded after rainstorms, you have a serious drainage problem that needs to be addressed to avoid costly damage. How to Control Localized Flooding Sometimes a yard floods … Continue reading What to Do If Your Yard Floods When It Rains